Sex Factor Ideas 2012 is a fresh new initiative to promote Sexual Health awareness among young Londoners by inviting London’s 16-25yr old community to create the promotional campaign themselves using music, art, design, or any other creative means.

Sex Factor Ideas 2012 is a cutting-edge competition for young Londoners to develop the best concept which encourages other young people to take responsibility for their own sexual health. Not simply a fantastic way of promoting sexual health awareness and creating a healthier future for London, Sex Factor Ideas 2012 is also a conduit for a career in the creative industries. Six winners will have their ideas turned into actual products, with runners-up receiving internships in leading companies matched to their desired career pathway.

The opening stage of the competition is all about your ideas, not fully-fledged products or campaigns as support is provided for this once the winners are selected. Entries are to be as innovative as possible and use creative ways of communicating messages about sexual health through art, media, music, journalism, IT, sport, performance, animation and more. All that is required is that the concepts are in a video format which can be loaded onto a website for other people to see and vote for, and be based on one or more of the following themes: A. SEXUAL HEALTH INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE SERVICES B. CONTRACEPTION AND PREVENTION C. PREGNANCY AND PARENTHOOD D. SCREENING AND TESTING E. ANYTHING ELSE THAT’S IMPORTANT TO YOUNG PEOPLE So create your entries, upload them and get voting! And maybe you'll get the opportunity to have your idea used across the capital.

For full information about Sex Factor Ideas 2012 and how to enter go to: Based on information supplied by .