On 24th May, myself, my husband, and our two best friends set off from London to Brighton - on foot! We took part in the London2Brighton Challenge, an organised 100k walk - non stop. We trained for 5 months, walking and going to the gym, but nothing could prepare us for what lay ahead! The course was incredibly muddy, which became challenging at 1am in the morning. My daughter has Type 1 diabetes which is a life changing autoimmune disease and the £5300 we had raised at the time for JDRFUK certainly kept us going. The route took us through our local area. Thank goodness that was at the beginning of the route as it may have proved too tempting in the middle of the night to pop home! We completed the walk in 27 hours 51 mins and the feeling crossing that finishing line was incredibly emotional. It's the first time any of us had took part in something like this and although I don't think I'll rush to do another 24 hour + walk, I am certainly thinking of another challenge to take on and would urge anyone thinking about doing something like this to go for it!

Based on information supplied by carole jackson.