It's absolutely outrageous that exploratory drilling  licences have been granted to Epsom and Ewell, let alone Balcombe!  How convenient for the Tories and their petrol head CEO friends. 

It's high time people informed themselves and stopped playing the ostrich. That's just plain lazy.   Read up or at least watch Josh Fox's latest film, Gasland Part II.  It's a 2-hour long documentary, but worth every minute. It will open your eyes, wide open.  It was released in the US in July 2013.

Also, see how villages in Northern Germany close to fracked areas are coming down with cancer related diseases as the toxic chemicals have leaked into their water systems:-

We really need to tell Cuadrilla & Co. to frack off from the UK, Europe and the whole world !  We humans have made this world toxic enough as it is.  We need clean technologies for a healthy living planet, if we want a future. Period.

Jacqueline Gordon, via email