All three of the Liberal Democrat councillors for Chessington North and Hook have stood down at this election including regular blogger Mary Reid and her husband Ian, so whoever gets in, whether it is Conservative, Christian Peoples Alliance, Labour or Green, will be new to the job.

Liberal Democrat candidate Ivan Knight used to be a council officer working in waste management, street cleansing and parks and open spaces, until recently.

The ward includes the King Edward Recreation Ground, the Orchard GP practice where residents are up in arms about parking problems, and Kingston Council's new Hook centre library and resource centre.

Last time around it came incredibly close. Mary Reid was within 12 votes of losing her seat to a Conservative rival in 2005.

Candidates for 2010

Dick Bradford - Labour

Jamal Chohan - Conservative

Tony Cottrell - Labour

Andrew Day - Conservative

Alan Dean - Liberal Democrat

Steve Kearney - Labour

Ivor Knight - Liberal Democrat

Anthony May - Christian Peoples Alliance

Wendy Pickard - Christian Peoples Alliance

Doreen Scrimshaw - Christian Peoples Alliance

Christine Sherlock - Green

Margaret Thompson - Liberal Democrat

Maundy Todd - Conservative


Turnout 42.90 %

BAKER Susan known as SUE Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1143 ELECTED

COTTRELL Tony The Labour Party Candidate 191

COWLEY Judith The Labour Party Candidate 217

DAY William Andrew known as ANDREW Conservative Party Candidate 1123

KEARNEY Steve The Labour Party Candidate 200

KUMPESON Nithyalakshmy known as LUCKY Conservative Party Candidate 963

REID Ian Alexander Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1156 ELECTED

REID Katharine Mary known as MARY Liberal Democrat Focus Team 1141 ELECTED

SUCKLING Irene Conservative Party Candidate 992

To see a rundown of who is running for Kingston Council in the other wards visit Kingston Council Elections 2010