An 87-year-old Kingston man was tied up with his own belt while in bed and robbed of goods worth nearly £1,000 on Saturday night.

The man was reading in his ground floor flat in Manorgate Road, at around 11pm, when two men in balaclavas and black clothes broke in.

They tied his hands with his belt and threatened him with a rounders bat. They then stole his bank cards and, as one held him hostage, the other went to withdraw money.

The card was swallowed and the men became more aggressive, demanding money.

Failing to find cash, they took several items, which police hope people will recognise. These include an antique gold Seiko watch, a carved onyx chess board with green and brown pieces, a table lamp in the shape of a naked woman, a Philips Galaxy mobile phone and an Olympus Zoom 105 camera. They carried the goods away in a wicker laundry basket.

The men, who were white and aged around 20, cut the phone's power cord before they left but did not disable the phone. After an hour, the shaken but unhurt man was able to raise the alarm.

When police arrived there was no sign of forced entry.

A police spokesman said: "It is very unusual and it is something we take very seriously and are investigating diligently.

"People should be able to feel safe in their own homes, particularly elderly people."

Call PC Tim Dunn on 020 8541 1212.