Youth work could be moved out of Kingston's youth clubs and spread more widely across the borough, as part of a radical council overhaul.

Under the new plans, control of the borough's nine youth club buildings will be taken out of youth service hands and given to neighbourhood councillors.

Neighbourhood committees, made up of about 12 councillors meeting every six weeks, will choose whether to allow the youth service to continue using the buildings, make them available to the wider community or sell them off.

The move, expected to be agreed by the council's executive yesterday (Tuesday), follows a review of the youth service launched last May.

It is designed to give youth workers more time to work with youngsters rather than manage buildings.

At present, workers can spend half their time looking after properties and dealing with hall bookings.

The plan will allow them to operate more flexibly and spend more time on the street.

Youth activities could be set up in areas with no clubs and held in community halls, charity centres or schools.

Existing youth club buildings could then be made available to a wider range of community groups.

Youth service head Gillian Hall said she did not expect neighbourhood committees to sell off buildings, as communities greatly valued youth clubs.

But executive member for young people, Councillor Martin Blakebrough, predicted activities would be moved away from clubs if better venues could be found, for example the Venner Centre in Worcester Park, which is right on the edge of the borough.

He originally considered selling-off clubs or privatising parts of the service, but drastic improvements over the past year made it unnecessary.

He said the plan would make a massive difference over the long term.

"It will be a more mobile service, using buildings where young people are congregating naturally anyway," he said.

"You will not have youth workers who are building managers, you will get them out on the beat".

Labour education spokesman Coun Sheila Griffin said she had not studied the plans but the future of local clubs would be safer in the hands of neighbourhood councillors.

Kingston's youth clubs Hook youth and activity centre, Devon Way, Hook.

Chessington youth and community centre, Church Lane, Chessington.

School Lane youth and community centre, Surbiton.

Barnfield youth and community centre, Parkfields Road, Kingston.

Kingsnympton youth and community centre, Kingsnympton Park Estate, Kingston Hill.

Searchlight youth and community centre, Kingston Road, New Malden.

Dickerage adventure playground, Dickerage Lane, New Malden.

Fountain youth centre, Kingston Road, New Malden.

The Venner youth and community centre, Manor Drive, Worcester Park.