From Penny Baker At the recent public forum on the latest application to develop the redundant sewage works off Lower Marsh Lane we finally got to understand what planning for real means for residents in Surbiton.

It appears the planning department advised developers local residents could be bribed with a youth centre and a health centre.

These will cause a loss of amenity to local residents in what is a quiet road where children can play safely, but this appears completely irrelevant.

Earlier this year a Kingston Council officer assured King-ston Friends of the Earth "planning for real" would happen.

It is part of environmental justice that areas most affected by development should benefit from mitigation, but not, apparently, Surbiton.

At the very least, on a development of this size, Thames Water should hand some land back to the community.

Residents interested in forming an area residents' association for Surbiton, please contact the undersigned.

PENNY BARKER 39 Cranes Park Crescent Surbiton Surrey 020 8399 5147