I am tempted to describe the correspondent who damned the Rose Christmas show without seeing it as Mrs (Bah! Humbug!) Scrooge, but actually a better parallel would be Mrs Mary Whitehouse, the late guardian of our TV morals.

She did not like anything that she did not like, so to speak, and did not want you to either.

Instead of talking of that of which one does not know, I suggest your correspondent buys a pit unseated ticket for The Snow Gorilla.

I would like to know that her feet did not tap, her hands clap, and that her children and grandchildren were not, by turns, amazed (by the acrobats, jugglers, aerial artists and contortionists) and entranced (by the flamenco dancers and, of course, the gorilla).

I am a volunteer usher at the Rose but do not discount my opinion for that. I have seen some great and some awful shows there, but I cannot remember a more thrilling Christmas show, there or anywhere else.

Malcolm Brown; Surbiton

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