SIR. Mr Name and Address Supplied would do well to remain anonymous.

Like most non-cyclists prone to sweeping generalisations, he is forgetting the obvious fact most cyclists are unlikely to use their bike as their sole means of transport.

In fact, nearly all cyclists are also motorists.

And guess what – they are all pedestrians. I use my bike every working day as it is cheaper and faster than my car and it keeps me fitter than my motorcycle. So in fact, as do most cyclists, I also pay road tax.  Twice.

I also regularly cycle around Kingston town centre. I rarely bother with the cycle lanes that I have paid for as they are, generally, completely useless.

However, I have never felt remotely vulnerable, never have heard any abuse from motorists nor have I come close to colliding with any pedestrian.

I just stay alert – driving cars and motorbikes and being a pedestrian gives me this awareness.

I cannot believe this is a unique experience, so maybe some others may like to add to this debate that was requested by your contributor.

As for Ride London, let us celebrate our capital city and surrounding countryside and enjoy a day or two of sport and recreation, paid for by all those tax-paying cyclists.

I am sure that Mr Anonymous can cope for a couple of days in August by having to take the M25 to Heathrow.

Oliver McDonnell