Parents who say they were left in the dark about a needle exchange at Surbiton Health Centre are petitioning for the service to be moved.

A petition has gathered more than 80 signatures, following a meeting with the NHS arranged by Clinton Pascoe, the headteacher of Lime Tree Primary school.

The needle exchange service is part of the £9m health centre which opened in March but parents at the school on the same site say they did not know about needle exchange service for people with drug addictions.

The petition says: "We the undersigned, petition RBK Council to engage with the Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Surbiton Health Centre to stop any needle exchange and provision of methadone from the Surbiton Health Centre site and to move it away from this primary school in accordance with Home Office guidelines.

"We also request that the inappropriate positioning of benches on the hospital site directly facing the children's playground be addressed."

The e-petition can be found on the Kingston Council website at:

Councillor Andrea Craig, who signed the petition, said: "As lead member on our side, I simply cannot support the service given its proximity to Lime Tree Primary School and the lack of transparency and consultation on this."

Conservative party leader Howard Jones has also signed the petition.