Well it’s been another week of running around trying to fit everything in between nappy changing, bottle sterilising and clearing things out.

Let me explain.

Every day is different as you never know exactly what will happen no matter how strict a routine you stick to.

I’ve had to sort out bills, stock up on food and try to catch up on texts and emails as I was so behind. It’s no easy feat with two children under two.

Back in the day, pressing things would get dealt with in a day or two, now it can drag out into a week or two.

Unless you have children of your own, you just won’t get it.

A phone and laptop becomes so unimportant and you spend most of the time apologising to friends who think you’re ignoring them.

Then there’s the scary side of watching the children grow so quickly; as if you’ve sprinkled magic grow dust on them.

My son is now into cars and kamikaze jumps off the sofa with no fear whatsoever. He’s chatting away as if he’s standing for Parliament and my daughter, well she’s a cute little thing and likes to suss folk out.

She smiles constantly and loves messing about on her baby gym. She’s settled in so well.

Finally, I’ve been sorting out all the unwanted baby clothes we no longer need. I’ve given some away to friends and have a massive bag in the porch to drop off at the charity shop.

That’s been weird in itself as I come to terms with the fact I may never be pregnant again. I may never bring another life into the world.

I know you should never say never, but I think our family of four is complete.