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Memories from Mrs I Belcher

In answer to your letter in the Surrey Comet in the paper of July 28 2004 I wish to say I started at the firm (Knap Drewitt & Sons) in 1947 in the bindery and Mr J Gutteridge was my foreman then and there was quite a few women there including Marjorie Hill and Doll Singles in the photograph.

I did leave the above company on June 16th 1951 to get married and I had two children, a boy and girl.

I was living in Sutton for about 28 years and I was offered a job in the bindery in 1976 in July or August and Mr P Gutteridge was my foreman. He was the brother of Jack, quite a few were there the second time around, Mr F Littlebay and Mr F Cronk, Eric Spooner the van driver and the ladies were Mrs N Ingles, Marjorie Hill and also Mr Peter Drewitt as well.

Unfortunately us ladies were made redundant in May 1984 we all enjoyed working in the bindery and most of the jobs were easy to do, hand folding wire stitches and numbering mail enveloping etc.

I got on well with the staff there, my maiden name was Miss Irene Gray and I am in the photo next to Marjorie on the event of her retirement and the staff in the bindery at the time. We all missed her when Marjorie left.

Mrs I Belcher
Lister Close