Britain has recently received the instruction, "You must stay at home" from the Prime Minister. It has been made clear to 'halt' COVID-19 it is essential to self-isolate and stay at home. This can be difficult for those who have hobbies external to their home, and everybody enjoys going out with friends to public places like cinemas, restaurants and shopping. But here are some activities to encourage everybody to stay at home. 


During boredom, one way to use time wisely is to learn new skills. These can include cooking new recipes, self organisation and planning. Being at home is a great excuse to do some cleaning and organising. Everyone has "that" one draw in their room that has everything ranging from loose pencils to a wig they brought for halloween and a spare pack of gum. It is a great time to organise your bedroom or collectively with your family. You could start with something as simple as your phone by deleting old pictures, deleting some junk mail and removing games that you haven't played in a 'hot' minute. 


Secondly, starting a new hobby. This could be reading a new book, finishing an old book. Writing letters (to anyone or your future self). Painting is also a great way to relax and be creative, this can be done alone or challenge your family to a drawing competition. Start doing exercises at home, building muscle by using your own body strength is also very beneficial like the gym, or there are other forms of exercises like dance videos on youtube for cardio exercise. Keep your body and mind at rest with some yoga or meditation.  Do not let the idea of being at home limit your creativity. 


Keep in (not physical) contact with your inner self and your family and friends. Make sure you still are updated with your close friends by sending messages, phoning and video calling them. 


Most importantly take care of yourself and #stayathome. 


Karolina Jagodzinska, Ursuline High School