According to research, about half of all adults set up New Year's resolutions for themselves, but only around 10% actually manage to stick to them for a few months. 

The most common examples of resolutions that people come up with are losing weight, exercising and saving up money, and most people struggle with those because they are things that derive from habits we have adapted and made routine in our daily lives. Another reason as to why New Year’s resolutions don’t work for people is because of something called the ‘false hope syndrome’ where people set themselves unrealistic tasks to achieve, or they underestimate the amount of time or effort it would take to successfully carry out the resolution. 

There are however ways that will help you stick to a resolution, like being realistic with your goals. You need to begin by making minor changes to your daily life and to slowly ease your way into a resolution that may be harder to achieve by changing your ways to fit into the desired lifestyle you want to reach. 

When setting up resolutions, be sure to do one thing at a time and not set up way too many resolutions that would end up overwhelming you.

Overall there are many ways that could help you stick to a resolution, but the most important thing is to not give up because of a bump on the way, if you do feel like coming to a halt, re-evaluate your actions and try to remind yourself why you made yourself that resolution in the first place.