Brownies is a branch of Girl Guiding for all girls ages 7-10. Founded in 1914, Brownies meet once a week to learn new skills, see their friends and earn new badges. I am a volunteer at 4th Ashtead Brownies and help once a week. This initiative is great for young girls to learn vital life skills using fun activities such as first aid or how to become their own superheroes – both which are sessions that have been run at my local Brownies.

Girl Guides strives to inspire young girls to become the best versions of themselves and to prepare them for the future whilst still having fun with their friends. I see Girl Guides as an essential part of society – as a member when I was growing up, it formed many of my happiest memories such as the camps where I would go on adventures with my friends. Girl Guiding is a traditional way of allowing children to still stay young, growing up in this modern, technological world.

Volunteering there gives me a great sense of accomplishment that I am helping my local area and allowing Brownies to continue. Groups from both Girl Guides and Scouts rely solely on volunteers who are willing to donate their time. Volunteering here makes me feel that I am impacting young girls lives in a positive way and for this reason, I think that everyone who can should give up some of their time to volunteer for their community.