SmartCare Epsom gets an Excellent CQC report after its recent inspection.

We are delighted to announce that after a recent routine inspection by the CQC we have received an excellent report from them. The CQC carry out un-announced inspections as a matter of course to get a true view of just how care agencies operate and work. They inspect internal systems, records, question the management team and observe all that goes on in the office. They look for client focused, outcome based results to ensure service users are receiving quality care.

Then they make contact with service users/clients for their comments regarding the service they actually receive and any concerns they might have. In addition, the CQC also make contact with the care staff who make the calls and find out from them how they are supported and treated.

All in all this is a thorough inspection from all angles and points of view. And having completed the process we are delighted with the report that has been produced. Our clients have given us brilliant feedback and comments about the professional and caring nature of all our staff and the responsive positive support from our office.

After the recent negative stories that have been in the media regarding home based care I wanted to try and balance things out. The reality is that there are some great care agencies around who do a good job for all. At SmartCare we pride ourselves on the quality personal service we provide to our clients and will continue to work on improving this whenever we can.

Based on information supplied by Paul King.