Help Wandsworth CABx keep up the pressure on HM Revenue & Customs to tackle child benefit delays by making a complaint whenever you experience an unreasonable delay.


Bureaux continue to see people experiencing unacceptable delays with their child benefit, leading to hardship and in some cases debt.

Each year HMRC reports the number of complaints it receives about each of its departments, one of which is the Child Benefit Office. The increased number of clients with child benefit problems that bureaux are seeing has not so far been reflected in the number of complaints HMRC have received about the benefit. Citizens Advice is campaigning to see this complaint figure recorded to better represent the reality of the situation, so something can be done about it.


Bureaux will encourage every client they see whose child benefit has been delayed by more than eight weeks to make a complaint. Just ask your Adviser to give you a model letter to fill in while you are at the bureaux and this will then be sent off to the address on the top of the form.