An Islamic artist who painted a picture of herself carrying an "unclean" pig has attracted death threats from other Muslims.

Sarah Maple, 23, who graduated from Kingston University last year said she was simply trying to deal with the issue of hypocrisy but didn't realise her co-religionists would react so vociferously.

The painting shows her in a hijab carrying the pig. Another of her works shows a woman in a headscarf with her breast exposed.

The glass was smashed at the gallery in East London showing her work and staff have received abusive phone calls and a threatening email.

She said: "We are not allowed to eat pork. We grow up hating pigs. It is really psychological but I thought our God doesn't tell us to hate pigs.

"When it first started I was at university and it was very personal on how it felt being a Muslim and being a Western woman. When I left it was more about the political situation and how different cultures don't understand each other."

She said she had no plans to withdraw her pictures from the gallery despite the protests.

Salon gallery in Notting Hill will exhibit the work until November 16.

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