Written by Frida Loeberg, Loreto and Ofelia Serrano Nya Paralyteatern is a Swedish non-profit association who has come to Kingston to performe their play “til death do us part”. The play is about abusing of women, which is a topic that is taking place in today’s society.

The theme of this show is really hard for the actors to tell to an audience. In some moments the actors weren’t in the real character, so the audience couldn’t emphatize with them. This was a problem because some of the audience started laughing in serious scenes. However at the end of it, everyone get conscious that it is not only a simple story. With the last sentence “…this candle is for all women that has died because of violence at home…” we all were touched.

Since this play is about abusing we were expecting it to be normal to see some violence. But the first hit was unexpected, and the whole audience jumped in their seats. During the play our fear for the characters grew stronger and stronger. Once you see this play you feel the sadness and the anger and it is hard to remain calm. The rhythm in the scenes is a little slow but when many of the scenes were really intense.

This Swedish theatre group has been really brave bringing this topic to the theatre. It is an unusual theme that is hard to perform on a stage. When you see it in a movie, the moviemakers use camera angels and music to transmit the characters feelings and thoughts. In a theatre this is harder, so not everything was as believable as we think it should have been. They made it with simple props without changes on the stage.

When the play reached the end, and one of the actors said the last words it was hard to hold the tears back. Nya Paralyteatern left us with a lot of feelings and thoughts.

Based on information supplied by Matt Gleinig.