
  • Funding found for memorial bench

    Funding has been agreed for a memorial bench next to a war memorial where people can sit and reflect. The bench will be placed at the Charles Sydney Memorial in Station Avenue, Walton. The memorial itself marks the spot Battle of Britain

  • You're the One That I Want!

    Talented local youth thespians 'Epsom Youth Theatre' (EYT) staged an outstanding production of Grease this weekend giving much toe-tapping fun to audiences in their two deservedly packed houses. Emily-Rose Stead and Jack Stacey shone in the lead roles

  • You're the One That I Want!

    Talented local youth thespians 'Epsom Youth Theatre' (EYT) staged an outstanding production of Grease this weekend giving much toe-tapping fun to audiences in their two deservedly packed houses. Emily-Rose Stead and Jack Stacey shone in the lead roles