It has been said of Ed Davey MP that he is as dim as an eco-lamp bulb, not least because of his support for the massively expensive production of electricity by offshore wind farms.

When becalmed, they produce no electricity at all and need fossil fuel back-up.

But now he has also shown himself to be a Philistine of epic proportions by supporting the off-shore wind farm along the Sussex coast. 

It  will ruin the seascape for people who love that part of the country – including visitors  from Kingston, for whom it is not much more than an hour away.

May I appeal to the electors of Kingston to get rid of this man. Please save us from this eco folly at a time when the whole man-made global warming theory is being questioned and has been rejected in Australia and Canada. 

There has been no overall warming now for 15 years.

Warming has paused and we need to pause too before committing further billions and making fuel more expensive which, sadly, hits the lower paid most of all.

Paul Morgan

Ex-Kingston businessman and regular visitor