With hundreds of thousands of people using social media everyday and with everything starting to go online we start to ask if Social media and the internet is really the way forward. For example, the presidential election has been broadcast all over social media as people can have their say on the issue. It is said that there are 2.34 billion social network users worldwide, with 78% of America owning a social network profile. By 2020, it is estimated that a third of the earths population will be using social media. These are astonishing facts which prove that social media is really popular but is it really the future?

One major downside to social media, is cyber bullying. There are lots of people out there that are able to take advantage of you as their identity is hidden. Furthermore, it's the hardest type of bullying to see and to stop.  That's why people are encouraged to keep profile private so they don't fall victim. It is often deemed to be a waste of time by teachers and parents. There are lots of online posts that can be very enticing and can result in people spending abundant amounts of time on it, when they could be doing something useful. Many find a social media a dangerous place as there is a lot of negativity and sites where children shouldn't be on. It's known that parents often don't know what their child is doing online. Also, even with restrictions, children always find ways to bypass these restrictions. These are some of the big issues concerning social media and why people have their worries about it. 

On the other hand, there are lots of increasingly positive things about social media. For many people, going on social media can be very entertaining and a way for people to take their mind of everything else that's going on. Sites such as Facebook can help you keep in touch with old friends and family members without actually meeting them. Not only talking to old friends but making new friends. Social media allows people to express their opinion on current affairs, making a valid point somewhere it can be heard. Without social media, many might not be up to date with current affairs as much of the news is spread on social media these days. 

These are some of the pros and cons of social media but judging by this, it social media the way forward? First of Social media is extremely important in our day to day lives. It allows us to communicate and to spread news. It provides jobs for many people around the world. We can use Social media to learn about the human population as well as other significant and interesting data. Despite the negatives, a life without social media would be very dull and a lot harder than expected. 

Tom Davies, pupil at Hampton school who is not a often used so social media, believes that social media isn't the future as its just a distraction to the many other opportunities in life. On the other hand, James Nally, a frequent user of social media believes that social media is almost certainly going to be the future although it might not be the correct way to go.

In conclusion, many are sceptical of the direction that social media is heading in. It is inevitable that in 10 years time everybody will be using social media and it would be a thing most people can't live without. It's entertaining, exciting and informative, it's a utility that is going to be necessary.

By Dillon Tharumanayagam, Hampton School