A married cleaner raped a drunk 17-year-old in a car park on New Year’s Eve, the Old Bailey heard.

Soki Macanda, 30, from Surbiton, allegedly took the girl to the Bittoms car park in Kingston to attack her.

The girl, who had vomited twice after drinking too much, collapsed in the street before she was led away by Mr Macanda, the trial heard on Tuesday, October 18.

He allegedly left the car park after the alleged attack and the girl managed to put on her ripped tights and stagger back to the nightclub in High Street, Kingston, where she had been with friends.

He denies two counts of rape.

Detective Constable Melissa Burns told the court: “She just looked dishevelled, stressed. She had a lot of make-up down her face, had clearly been crying. It was very cold that evening, shivering cold. She wasn’t dressed in a jacket and she looked pretty cold, generally upset, kind of staggering around a bit, couldn’t walk very well.”

Dr Emily Vours gave evidence that the girl had bruises to her inner leg, arms and abrasions to her hands.

She said: “She wasn’t able to tell me when or how they had been caused.”

Mr Macanda, who was arrested on February 10 this year, initially provided the court with an alibi for December 31, 2010, but in May this year it was found his DNA matched that on the victim and he now claims the sex was consensual.

During the trial the girl said she slipped in and out of consciousness while in the car park, but remembers asking Mr Macanda to get a condom.

She said: “All I knew was that I had to protect myself and get out of that situation when I could.

“I kept asking him to go and get one.

“I didn’t want to do it but I thought I could protect myself against STIs and everything you can get.

“When he left I managed to sort myself out, get where I was from my surroundings and get myself back to the club.

“After I left the car park everything happened quite quickly and it was all a bit of a blur and I just remember a lot of people asking a lot of questions.”

The jury heard that at least two text messages had been sent from the girl’s mobile phone to a number recognised as her ex-boyfriend’s prior to the alleged attack.

The defendant’s lawyer David Jubb suggested the messages indicated the girl was trying to “get back” at her ex-boyfriend, whom she had broken up with two months earlier.

Mr Macanda is a cleaner at Claf Ohlson in Kingston and DSD Solutions, in Victoria Road, Surbiton.

The trial continues.