School kids worried about mental heath

£5.8 million cuts planned this year alone from mental health! There has been a large sum of money taken out of mental health for other things, in order to save money, the cuts will affect both children and adults.

Brookside mental health unit situated in Goodmayes hospital is temporarily closed. There were multiple protests resource centre to bring awareness to the importance of mental health during late September and early October. This may have been the reason for the reason why plans were cancelled to close mental health flats for people needing them. People in Ilford have gathered over 1000 signatures and held a petition outside Redbridge town hall.

Students of Ursuline Academy Ilford have taken part in showing that they care by donating money for mental health in exchange for bands that bring awareness to the issue. They were bands that came in many colours and had a message on them, 'depressed not depressing', 'feelings have reasons', 'mental health isn't a #' and more.

'It's unfair that they think they can cut off so much money from people who need it. It's an important issue and shouldn't be neglected. Mental health should be treated the same way as physical health since it is as important' - Sharmin Islam, 15. She also later told me that there isn't enough awareness brought to the issue and that something should be done about that.

There was also a play about mental health for young people set up by the Redbridge council covering topics such as self harm, eating disorders, anxiety and depression.

Manahil Ullah, Ursuline Academy Ilford