The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coaltion (TUSC) has announced its candidate for Kingston and Surbiton in this year’s general election.

Laurel Fogarty will stand against Liberal Democrat MP Edward Davey in May.

The 29-year-old, who works at University College London, said: "We have had five years of absolute unrelenting misery under this government.

"We have seen council budgets slashed, the NHS dismantled and pay has failed to keep up with inflation.

"The government claims we are on the road to economic recovery and that we are making progress.

"Yet workers are rightly asking, where’s our recovery?"

She added she was in support of a £10 per hour minimum wage.

TUSC announced last month it was standing more than 100 candidates in this year's general election, following the election victory of anti-austerity party Syriza in Greece.