Anyone who says they are bored when they have children must be crazy!

It has been another incredibly busy week, but it has been fun, and to anyone with two children under two, you’ll know it does get much easier and you simply get on with it.

I’ve also returned to the gym when Daddy is home to take over and I’m slowly starting to get back into my old clothes.

It has been a bit harder getting out and about this week with the change in weather conditions, but when there’s been a glimmer of sunshine, we’ve been out together.

Going to the shopping centre is no longer a calm experience, as my little boy now wants to run around the shops enjoying freedom.

He is funny though, going up to people and talking to them as if he has known them for years. I have to keep a close eye on him.

I remember the days when I’d go to the supermarket, see children eating food given to them by their parents before getting to the checkout and tut to myself.

Well I am now one of those parents. My son loves going shopping, especially as he has a healthy appetite and one of his favourite words is “eat”.

This week he spotted bread, juice, apples, oranges and a pumpkin and wanted all of it as he sat in the trolley directing me around.

It all got a bit noisy at the checkout when he thought I was giving all the food away to the lady on the till, so I had to reassure him that was not the case.

Apart from that, my daughter has started laughing lots and big brother entertains her no end.

He even offers her his food, which is very generous of him and makes me laugh when I see yogurt around her mouth showing his attempt to share. So cute.

l officialangellica