It’s been a funny old week and I’m not entirely sure why.

I’ve felt like I’ve been chasing my tail even though, if I think about it, I’ve managed to achieve quite a lot.

I’ve also had quite a bit of sleep too and that’s made me feel totally off balance.

Both my little ones are good sleepers, but for three nights on the trot, over eight hours seems an unusually long time. If you’re a parent of young children still struggling to sleep through the night, I know it’s the last thing you want to hear, but I’m genuinely surprised it’s happening.

So I’ve been on this treadmill and haven’t stopped.

Cooking meals, vacuuming constantly, washing and sterilising bottles, folding clothes, running out to get nappies and milk and then, to top it all off, looking after my husband.

To be fair, he does help out, but can occasionally hinder my otherwise smooth routine.

It never ends, but do you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. We mothers love a challenge and I sometimes have to punch the air and exclaim “I got through another day”. It’s incredible what can be achieved.

However I do feel I’ve let myself go.

I barely have time to look after me. I can’t remember the last time I had my nails painted and I am in desperate need of a massage.

I may even need to start scheduling shower time in the diary just to make sure I have a wash.

Why can’t there be 36 hours in the day I asked my other half yesterday. He retorted I still wouldn’t get everything done with more time. I had to agree.

Anyway got to go as I need to go play hide and seek with my little boy.